Welcome to my blog! My name is Georgios Boumis and since 2017 I’m a Civil Engineering graduate with a specialization in Geotechnical & Hydraulic Engineering from the University of Patras (UoP) in Greece. I’ve also graduated from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) with an M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering (2021), specializing in Environmental Informatics. In the past, I have worked as an intern on real-time flood forecasting at Deltares, the Dutch national institute for applied research in the field of water and subsurface. As of Spring 2021, I’m doing my Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at the University of Alabama (UA), where I’m also working as a Graduate Research Assistant at the Center for Complex Hydrosystems Research (CCHR). My primary research interests are: a) Coastal hazards, b) Geostatistics, and c) Disaster analytics. In general, my current research revolves around the development of statistical models to quantify the severity and frequency of coastal hazards, such as, storm surge, accounting for climate change. To this end, I use functional and probabilistic computer programming with R and Stan, respectively. Through my work, I intend to provide valuable information in the form of data and computer code for risk and resilience engineering. In my spare time, I like reading books, swimming, watching movies, and playing card games, among others. In this blog, I mostly post stuff related to my academic and research background. Occasionally, I also do post different things I may find interesting in my life; for example the painting below, from French painter Paul Signac, one of the founders of the pointillism technique.

The jetty of Portrieux, gray weather

Paul Signac (1888)